According to the Pottawatomie County Sheriffs department, in the past four years there has been a total of 281 accidents on Flush road, one being death. Because of stats like these Flush Road in St. George, KS has earned a notorious reputation for the dangers and problems this road has created.
“The turns are way too sharp and it is way too narrow, it needs to be wider,” junior, Jackson McCann said.
Despite the numerous accidents, traffic following too close, and sharp turns, Flush is an important road to the community, as students and adults use it to go to school, work, etc.. Flush road is a main road for the town of St. George to travel out to the middle school and high school.
“I use it to go to work and then to get home, I go in the evening or on the weekends to bring my kids to practice,” high school counselor and parent, Kelli Grieves said.
As many parents and residents of St. George voice their opinions, the road has undergone a few changes with adding merging lanes onto and off of Highway 24. Many people continue to voice their opinions for what actions still need to be taken to make the road safer.
“The road needs lots of attention in many ways, there have been so many crashes” sophomore, Cassandra Keck said.
All school personnel and parents want to be able to send their kids to school and not have to worry. Concerned parents have even created a Facebook Page called “Flush Road Winter Driving Conditions” to communicate their concerns and to warn students and parents of the road conditions.
The roads have narrow shoulders, small lanes, and some inexperienced drivers. This has prompted the school to each year bring in representatives from the Pottawatomie County Sheriff Department to speak with families to caution them of the dangers of following too close and passing in no passing zone.
“It’s a very dangerous road. It needs to have attention put into it so it can finally be fixed,” Keck said.
As a school and community, people have voiced their opinions and thoughts of what needs to be fixed, but one thing remains the same is that everyone involved is concerned about the safety and well being of the students.
Last Wednesday March 5th we reached out to Pottawatomie County Sheriff’s Dept. via School Resource Officer Martinez and he provide the stats for Flush road, however was unable to comment or respond to our questions by our deadline.