Forty students are heading to Topeka at the end of this month to compete in 60 different Future Business Leaders of America state competitions.
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) is a student-led group at Rock Creek High School. Jessica Roche is the school FBLA advisor, this is her 2nd year in this position. Students in this group get together to discuss business ideas, leadership tactics, and many more topics revolving around business and the economy.
“I feel like I gain a lot of skills from FBLA that will help me in college and all throughout my life such as speaking skills, leadership skills, and public speaking” said Trevor Matzke, a senior in FBLA.
FBLA members are also responsible for fundraising. So far this year FBLA has run a coffee shop every Monday before school, sold t-shirts, and opened a booth at this year’s trunk or treat.
“Fundraising has been successful this school year due to great senior leadership and our officers” Roche said
Along with running the club students get the opportunity to compete at multiple competitions. At this competition the top 4 students in each event qualify for nationals To prepare for these competitions students practice taking tests and becoming experts on their presentations. Tristan Scott is a senior in FBLA and serves as the treasurer. This is Scott’s 4th year in FBLA and he is preparing to compete in 4 events.
“My partners and I are putting together our presentations and studying for our tests after school” Scott said.
In the last few years Rock Creek has been rather successful when it comes to state FBLA. Last year 2 students attended the National event in Orlando.
“I think our senior leaders will continue to impress and represent the school well” Roche said, the school’s FBLA advisor.
This year the national conference is in Anaheim California. Students are responsible for funding their own trip and it is not cheap. Paying for hotels, flights, food, transportation, and fees. Since this is so expensive FBLA appreciates any support from the community in the form of fundraisers or donations to help soften the blow for these high achieving students.
Contact Mrs. Roche for any inquiries.
[email protected]