The Rock Creek Cheer Team is made up of 15 girls, sophomore Jalen Campbell is one of them. This is Jalen’s first year to make the team after trying out previously her freshman year and because of her perseverance and dedication she has now become an important asset to the cheer team, and has helped the team grow with her optimistic attitude and outgoing personality.
“I think that Jalen has contributed so much to this team this year with an overall ability to connect with them and make them feel joy every time that they’re around her” Head Coach Jessica Slama said.
Jalen was a member of the cheer team in middle school, and hoped to continue her love for the sport in high school. Even though she missed making the team her freshman year, that did not deter her from something she has loved since childhood.
“Well, I’ve always been in love with the sport since I was a little girl” Campbell said.
Always giving a word of encouragement to her teammates when trying a new stunt at practice or at a game. Campbell can be seen and heard cheering on her team as they perform.
“She’s very positive all the time, and she’s very uplifting, which is really helpful in group situations or like team environments,” Good friend and teammate, Lindsey Trent said.
Campbell’s big personality as an extrovert on the team is only matched by her immense compassion for everyone she encounters. Campbell is constantly thinking about others and how she can help them.
“Jalen has the biggest heart I probably have ever seen in a person, and people could probably learn how to be a little more kind and gentle from her,” Assistant Coach Mayci Armstrong said.
Improving on her jumps, kicks, and cheer movements this year has not gone unnoticed. Throughout the season, Coach Slama has seen that Campbell is putting in the time and effort needed to excel on the field and court.
“I’ve seen her become very fierce in a positive way, she has a really good strong drive and wants to achieve different things,” Armstrong said, “Jalen has become a lot more confident in herself, and it’s been very apparent watching her out there on the sidelines… she looks like she’s always having the most fun.”
Some people believe that cheer is just a spirit squad, but others believe that cheer is an actual sport. The team cheers on anyone and everyone year round no matter what. Cheerleaders train and compete like other athletes and they also hype up the crowd and the players, which affects the game tremendously, and helps bring attention to both cheer and the other sporting event where cheer is performing.
“I wish people would… prioritize the cheer team more and like, know that we’re actually really kind people, really hard-working people, and we’re not just a spirit squad,” Campbell said. “I feel like us cheerleaders work just as hard as any other athletes… it takes a lot of dedication, a growth mindset that you really have to have, that people don’t realize”
The cheer team attended their second competition of the season on February 22, 2025, at Baldwin City, Kansas. They received a Division 1 Rating for their whole team performance.
Individual scoring for Madelyn Schadegg who received a Division 1 rating for Tumbling, Devyn Vinduska earned a Division 2 rating for jumps. As a stunting group Segen Sutton, Lindsey Trent, Frankie Webster, and Devyn Vinduska were awarded a Division 1 rating for their stunt routine. Additional Judges’ Awards were also granted in the categories of Showmanship, Choreography, Endless Energy and technique. their routine was choreographed by Assistant Coach Armstrong. A routine that they learned quickly. Most teams start practicing their competition piece during the summer months.
“I’m just really excited to just dance, it’s so much fun, just to compete against other schools and other teams” Campbell said.
Head Coach Slama and Assistant Coach Armstrong encourage the girls by letting them know how proud they are of them by using positive affirmations.
“These are my slay rock stars,” Armstrong said.