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Get to Know Journalism’s Business Manager

An inside look into the life of Rock Creek’s journalism business manager.
Get to Know Journalism’s Business Manager

Hard work and dedication is key when coming into Journalism. Senior Taylor Glenn is the business manager this year. “I do a lot of things like logging, seeds, and checks,” Glenn said. Not only is Taylor the business manager, she also takes on other responsibilities for the yearbook.

“I also handle fundraising and social media,” Glenn said. Taylor does her job mostly in class because there’s a lot of responsibility that comes along being the business manager.

“When I do the work, it has to be in class because I can’t take checks home but, when I’m not in class I find myself extremely bored and not like, I don’t know, I’m just I need something to do,” Glenn explained. 

 When asked about her favorite memory, Glenn stated, “My favorite memory of journalism was going to state and seeing that I got first place. We also got to go to KU and they had a big room full of people and announced my title, and that was just really exciting for me,” Glenn said. 

Taylor’s favorite thing to work on in journalism is designing logos, as well as infographics.

 Not only does Taylor enjoy journalism, she enjoys art. Taylor has taken multiple art classes over her 4 years of high school but has really enjoyed Advanced 2D/3D with Mr. V. “My favorite art class is probably advanced 2D-3D because we got to do a lot of sculpting,” Glenn said.

Not only does Taylor like sculpting, she also likes drawing. Glenn’s favorite thing to draw is buildings because she likes the lines of the sketch. Glenn has liked being in Mr. V’s classes during high school and likes the way he teaches his classes.

“I do like his class, I think he lets us have a lot of artistic freedom, and I think that he does a really good job of motivating students to keep doing their best and keep putting stuff into competition even if they’re not that good he’ll put it in a competition if you ask him to,” Glenn said.

 Taylor has enjoyed being part of journalism and art classes over the years but has different ideas for what she wants to major in after high school, such as marketing or business. Glenn is excited to start a new chapter in life after graduating but will miss the memories made with friends and teachers. 

Taylor stated great advice for incoming freshmen and students who are thinking about joining journalism.

“My advice to them is if you really like rules, and you really like structure, then this is the class for you. You’re gonna love it. We have a lot of deadlines. We also have a lot of guidelines on how to write your stuff, how to take pictures, even how to put it in Google Drive so that we know how to get it out, but I think that if you struggle with turning stuff in on time, maybe this isn’t a class for you.” 


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